I am taking my freedom of Speech back from all the other social media platforms, they CANNOT control me or what and how I say it, any more. They can no longer "Monitor", put me in "Time Out" or "Suspension" my accounts. This site is "MY" platform and if YOU do not care to join me please EXIT my site. This platform is MY OUTLET on life. My Experiences no one will tell me how I should feel about it or what I should say because it's politicly correct. And for me to share knowledge of some of the things I have learned to help me survive. Hopefully this knowledge will help you.
I am not for KIDS Entertainment or Anyone under 18
ADULTS ONLY!! I use profanity and get graphic. It is NOT my responsibility to monitor what your kids are watching, reading or doing. I say what I say PERIOD. If, I ever do a show for kids I will state that.
I report and speak on the NEWS in which I get from other bloggers and media outlets. You can find this information else where. I just talk about it and I am entitled to feel and express myself anyway I see fit.