"Freedom Of Speech"
I am NOT for EVERYONE!!!
"Everything on this site and my channel is ALLEGEDLY"
Over the years I have been through so much I wanted to share my personal journey & experiences as I go through life and to express my freedom of speech on all different subjects. I know I am not the only person who feels this ways their are "reality Personalities" all over.
I will be exploiting, representing, presenting, educating & supporting you, as you go through "my journey" with me. I will use profanity from time to time, nothing outrageous, remember I am human so I do feel.
I will and am going to talk about history and race because it's extremely important, but I am not racist. I am just calling it, how I see it and how it makes me feel. Some of my remarks will be gentle and some will be strong & offensive.
I LOVE people, ALL people, not any particular race. But all races has their faults and ways, some good, some bad. I'm gonna talk all about that!!! I will not tolerate any disrespect, if you do not like what I have to say, PLEASE move on! IT'S NOT UP FOR DEBATE UNLESS I SAY ITS UP DEBATE. Remember this is a journey of MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES and YOU can't tell me how I should feel.
This is NOT FB or IG therefore, I call the shots!!! I will say and print what I want?
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